The CCU People’s Plan is the result of our collective community engagement and reflects the priorities and needs of residents in Skid Row, Little Tokyo, and Chinatown.
The specific policy and zoning recommendations in the CCU People’s Plan were developed in collaboration with residents and stakeholders, and are based on proven models, many of which have already been incorporated into other City planning documents.
CCU People’s Plan Timeline
Los Angeles’ Department of City Planning (DCP) will be tasked with updating the DTLA 2040 Community Plan. The plan will take several years to complete, from the gathering of community input and drafting plan recommendations, to assessing the plan’s environmental impacts and holding public hearings, to finally the adoption of a community plan by several decision-making bodies.
We are in phrase 3, but you can still contact the City Planning Department or your Council Representative at any point in the process to express your priorities and concerns.
Steps to Make Public Comment
CCU have been providing public comment at each of Los Angeles’ City Planning Commission (CPC) meeting, and would like to start organizing community members and stakeholders to join us. The objective is to elevate CCU's platform and call attention to the lack of attention paid to the priorities of communities such as Chinatown, Little Tokyo, and Skid Row.