Will future development uplift the low-income residents and stakeholders who have built and strengthened Downtown neighborhoods for generations?
The CCU Coalition is led by the Southeast Asian Community Alliance (SEACA), Little Tokyo Service Center (LTSC) and the Los Angeles Community Action Network (LA CAN), as key stakeholders in the Chinatown, Little Tokyo and Skid Row neighborhoods of Downtown, along with Public Counsel.
We came together to lift up the voices and concerns of the poorest and most vulnerable residents of Downtown in the community plan process. We know from experience that community-led planning results in healthier, more stable communities.
Our Coalition has been engaged with the Downtown Community Plan update process since its inception. We have spent, separately and collectively, hundreds of hours convening community meetings, conducting outreach, and educating our communities across seven languages about the community plan process and discussing its impacts. Through this, we have built capacity among local residents to be active participants in the planning process.